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back at one
回到原点 梦想成真 强烈推 依然守候你身旁 张的专辑 重新来过 注视你  detail>>
back one
向后一位  detail>>
be on one’s back
卧病,一筹莫展 卧病不起  detail>>
back to square one
回到出发点 问题回到原态  detail>>
back two square one
扑水冤家  detail>>
be back to square one
退回起点, 从头再来  detail>>
break one’ s back
辛勤工作  detail>>
come back to one’s mind
回忆起某事  detail>>
go back on one’s words
说话不算数  detail>>
go back one
向后走一步  detail>>
hurt one’s back
摔伤了后背  detail>>
in one s back pocket
在某人裤子后口袋里  detail>>
no one bites back as hard
没人会对过去反咬一口 没人会如此深刻地伤害自己 无人叮咬回拼命  detail>>
on one’s way back
在返回途中 在某人回来的路上  detail>>
one-arm back handspring
单臂后手翻  detail>>
one-stride toe back
跨一步脚尖后钩  detail>>
start back one
返回  detail>>
turn one’s back on something
放弃某事  detail>>